Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Aloe vera How I <3 you!!

This little Baby is something that out of all my beauty products, skin care related objects I own, I could life without this!
While on Holilday about 10/11years ago to Portugal I got seriously bad sunburn (ill try find the piccy) It was so bad that while shopping one evening(I couldnt go out during the day) a women approached me and my family about my sunburn and asked me could she apply some products containing aloe Vera to my skin as she owned a store which sold such products, I agreeed and OMG I can still remember the relieve I had to this day, She had the plants in her shop and after looking at my sunburn decided the direct product was the best for my skin. It was soooo refreshing and gave me so much relieve. She asked for permission for her to put a picture of me in her shop holding the plant so people could see the extend of my sunburn and could then read how I felt about aloe Vera. Thinking back now it was a bit of a random idea, does anyone really listen to a 7/8 year old??

Anyway my point is , 7/8 years later Im still in love this this little plant:D. We bought one soon after we returned from Portugal and have one in our kitchen and Bathroom, you can take some out of it and give it to friends to regrow, you can cut as much as you wont of and it grows back.

Today it was EXTREMLY hot where I live in co kildare(Ireland), 24 degrees at 6oclock ,very strange weather for Ireland.Im a BIG supporter of caring for you skin againist sun damage, my dads side of my family are complete sun worshipers and I could never understand it. Before I apply my make-up EVERYDAY I wear a sunblock, variey the factor throughout seasons. Today at about 3olock I decided to head to the sun for a bit with my factor 3o on and a 50(kids) on my face, a hour and a half later I looked like this .......
This I guess is a blog of two sorts, try aloe vera:D, its brilliant, burns,cuts,sunburns,spots, soooo many different things.

''Aloe vera is wonderful for skin complaints and rashes, bites, burns,acne,irritable bowel syndrome,Chrons disease and sun burn. also helping you with avoiding sun burn. Aloe vera is used by adults and children.
Aloe vera helps in the production of collagen which used for mending damage to tissue. It is also used for treating psoriasis, eczema among further skin conditions. it is used to treat acid burns, radiation burns and frost bite. if you suffer from frost bite or sun burn, taking aloe vera tablets will help clear it.
Aloe vera tablets help strengthen the immune system. Aloe vera helps in multitude ways for skin, hair and your beauty.
Aloe vera is an excellent treatment for Acne and used with a skin cleansing regime is proven to clear up acne.
Aloe vera is also good for eye inflammation, ulcers, gall bladder problem, abscesses and hemorrhoids. There are some other uses of aloe vera. Ifyou have a plant in your kitchen you can use the leaf to treat burns.
Aloe vera is good for many things from the hair to the softness of the skin,treating bowel conditions,sun burn, mending wounds,beauty treatment.''
But also this is a blog to warm everyone to please take care of your skin in the sun this summer. The sun can cause so much damage from wrinkles to cancer and everything in between. Unfortunatly Many dieases cant be prevented but If someone tells me that putting a higher sunfactor on me,covering up a little,staying out of the sun during certain hours ,not using sunbeds etc could HIGHLY reduce your chances of developing skin cancer I am fully prepared to take those procautions...

Now go enjoy this glorias weather, where ever you are :D:D

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